Monday, March 5, 2012

No happy endings at this massage

After that day of hiking, I thought it would be a great idea to get a nice foot massage. I was jokingly advised to exercising caution when choosing the right massage parlor because I might get more than I bargained for. We chose the first massage parlor that we saw and requested a foot massage. Once in, we were escorted to a private room where we spent the next hour and half. The massage started out with a lovely foot soak followed by a shoulder/back massage. I wasn't anticipating to have my shoulders and back tended to, so this was a nice surprise.

The foot massage was just what I needed. I was frightened though when I saw flames at the foot of my chair. I didn't realize that I was going to experience traditional Chinese cupping. It was an odd sensation and I was surprised that my feet didn't catch on fire! I was told that cupping is meant to increase blood circulation. I am not sure if I reaped the benefits of this technique, but it certainly didn't harm me. To finish off the massage, the therapist pulled out hammer-like tools and started pounding away at my legs. I think this part would have been more enjoyable if my calves weren't so sore from the hike.

I would definitely go back for another foot massage. Maybe next time I will try the cupping therapy on my back. I can now say that I got a massage in China and wasn't subject to any inappropriate 'specials'.


If you don't know what Chinese cupping is, here is a video:

1 comment:

  1. I've tried a Chinese foot massage before and I can say that it's a bit painful. I cringe every time the therapist hits a nerve or something, although it's really relaxing afterwards. I'll check out the Chinese cupping that you were talking about and I might try it next time.
