Wednesday, November 28, 2012

I'm C.O.R.E. Certified!

In October, I took an indoor cycling certification, and after writing a theory exam and submitting two 20 minute videos, I finally have my certification. The next step is to co-teach for a few weeks, followed by (fingers crossed) teaching my own class in January. I'm away for the latter part of December so I have a few weeks to get it together. I'm required by URec policy to co-teach and I'm pretty excited for it; the instructors I'm learning from are fantastic. The next goal: obtaining my CSEP-CPT. I'm realizing these certifications are getting expensive so I better get my butt in gear and start applying them.

In other news, Alex is back from Afghanistan - yahoo!! Currently, he's in Argentina, climbing tall mountains, doing his thing. Although he was back in Fredericton for only a short time, it was a great having him home. We will link back up, in Norfolk, where I'll be spending the holidays with him and the rest of the Buck family. I think NYE will be spent in Ottawa, so loads of things to look forward to. I'm definitely excited to have a few weeks off work so I can spend time with friends and family.