Saturday, September 29, 2012

My Last Week in Beijing, in a Nutshell

**This post was written in July but I forgot to post it. Apparently blog maintenance takes more time and effort than I anticipated - my bad**

Wow, I can't believe it's already that time to say goodbye to Beijing and all it has to offer. Living abroad is very different than being a tourist abroad. As my last few days in Beijing creeped up on me; I realized I didn't do all those wonderful touristy things one should. Sure, I went to the Forbidden City, Tiananmen Square, and Temple of Heaven during my time here but I've been slacking. So, Jules and I put our heads together and planned out a week of tourism in Beijing. This post is a recap of my last week in Beijing.

National Museum
Our original plan was to go to the Eunuch Museum, but due to the rain we were forced to choose a more suitable venue. The Eunuch museum has outdoor displays and statues, and we didn't want our experience to be ruined by the rain. So, we decided to eat at Capital M (delicious) and then make our way to the Nation Museum of China. Upside: this museum is free. Downside: Chinese history/culture is very rich and it was a little overwhelming trying to take it all in. At one point, we realized we were wandering around aimlessly staring at pots, vases, scrolls, etc. It was at this point that we decided to make our exit. I was satisfied with the visit, and now I can tick it off the list.