Saturday, June 23, 2012

My Tick List

I make lists for just about everything. It helps me to organize my thoughts, and I love crossing things off any list.  I often have those 'I'd love to do that someday' moments, and I either write it down on a random piece of paper and lose it, or forget to write it down. This is an attempt at an amalgamation of my previous lists. I have accomplished a few items and am currently working on a few things.

The purpose of writing this list, for me, is to dream big and be inspired. Each day brings something new and inspirational. I don't want to get bogged down with 'finishing' the things on this list, because I don't think this list will ever be 'finished'. I plan on continuously adding new ideas and adventures. Now, let's start ticking things off this never-ending list! 

1. Travel from coast to coast on a train
2. Go skydiving
3. Learn to crochet 
4. Run a half marathon 
5. Run a half in under 2 hours
6. Visit my birth city, Yellowknife
7.  Travel Northern Canada
8. Go dog sledding
9. Ride in a hot air balloon
10. Ride a camel 
11. Live outside of Canada 
12. Hitchhike 
13. Learn a third language **currently working on it**
14. Learn to play the guitar
15. Travel New Zealand in a camper van 
16. Own a Westfalia and travel NA
17. Live off the grid 
18. Sleep in the canopy of the rainforest 
19. Go to the airport and randomly select a destination and fly there
20. Travel to every continent 
21. Go on an African safari 
22. Make my own cheese
23. Live debt-free
24. Go to shooting range 
25. Try skeet shooting 
26. Sleep in an igloo
27. Go whitewater rafting 
28. Grind a rail (snowboarding)
29. See a whale
30. Fly in a helicopter
31. Make my own soap
32. Be in a flashmob
33. Follow a vegan diet for a month
34. Take trapeze class
35. Go ice fishing
36. See The Grand Canyon
37. Grow old with someone I love
38. Improve my French
39. Witness a meteor shower
40. Travel to Iceland
41. Make fresh pasta
42. Do the Cabot Trail
43. Go to the Greek Islands
44. Hike in Yukon's Kluane National Park
45. Learn to do a kayak roll
46. Bike PEI
47. Go ice climbing

“Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets, so love the people who treat you right, forget about the ones who don't, and believe that everything happens for a reason. If you get a chance, take it. If it changes your life, let it. Nobody said life would be easy, they just promised it would be worth it.”
-Harvey MacKay

1 comment:

  1. I think this list is awesome, Kayla! It reminded me of Maggie Mason's Life List. You might like this post; she learned to roll a kayak:
