Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Update - 2 months

Hi All,

Can you believe it, it's been two months since I left Canada for Beijing. I can't get over how fast time is passing me by. On one hand, it is great because that means I'm much closer to seeing Alex again (can't come soon enough). On the other hand, I've been here for two months and my Chinese is still terrible. But, I am definitely learning a lot and seeing amazing things.

I will start off by evaluating my goals from last month:

1. Study daily, outside of class: Overall, I am happy with my studies, but I haven't quite managed to study for a solid 2 hours everyday outside of class, especially on weekends. During the week, I stick to a pretty good schedule, but I struggle to fit in the time on Saturday and Sunday. My characters have suffered a lot as I've decided to focus my efforts toward working on grammar and listening comprehension.. I don't know if this is a good move, but I think for my short time here, it makes the most sense, for me.

2. Stick to a workout schedule:  I am very happy with the progress I've made in this area. I'm utilizing the buddy system to keep me motivated and to push myself harder during workouts. It feels great to be back into a routine. To help me get on track, I joined the Beijing Big Brother Ultimate Frisbee team. They practice on Saturdays and pick-up on Wednesdays, plus tournaments every other weekend, it seems. Integrating that into my weekly schedule definitely helps motivate me to stay active. The weather in Beijing has been incredible, but unfortunately there is construction on the campus track. Hopefully they will have it put back together soon so we can start playing on some turf and enjoying the sunny days.

New goals for the next month:

1. Practice my listening comprehension more often/do my listening homework: The focus for the remainder of my time here is a strong base and improve my grammar.

2. Throw the disc! I want to be able to throw a decent flick by the time I leave Beijing. I paid to play so I would like to gain some frisbee skills. Throwing the disc around is also beneficial in that I am outside, doing something I enjoy, and I get to socialize with friends. There is no way I won't gain something from practicing.

3. Plan HLTA: Although the dates are several months away, planning/brainstorming for Alex's leave has been an exciting time.

Upcoming (hopefully) travel plans include: Inner Mongolia, The Stairway to Heaven in Tai Shan, and I would really like to make my way to Xi'an to see the Terra Cotta Warriors and climb Mount Hua. Inner Mongolia is becoming a reality, and we leave at the end of the month to explore this autonomous region/desert! Updates about this trip will appear in May, after the trip :)

Overall, time has been flying by and I am still enjoying myself here. If anyone wants to come and visit, my door is always open :)    *come visit me*

"Great things are not accomplished by those who yield to trends, fads and popular opinion" 
- Jack Kerouac

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