In October, I took an indoor cycling certification, and after writing a theory exam and submitting two 20 minute videos, I finally have my certification. The next step is to co-teach for a few weeks, followed by (fingers crossed) teaching my own class in January. I'm away for the latter part of December so I have a few weeks to get it together. I'm required by URec policy to co-teach and I'm pretty excited for it; the instructors I'm learning from are fantastic. The next goal: obtaining my CSEP-CPT. I'm realizing these certifications are getting expensive so I better get my butt in gear and start applying them.
In other news, Alex is back from Afghanistan - yahoo!! Currently, he's in Argentina, climbing tall mountains, doing his thing. Although he was back in Fredericton for only a short time, it was a great having him home. We will link back up, in Norfolk, where I'll be spending the holidays with him and the rest of the Buck family. I think NYE will be spent in Ottawa, so loads of things to look forward to. I'm definitely excited to have a few weeks off work so I can spend time with friends and family.
"The best journeys in life are those that answer questions you never thought to ask" -Rick Ridgeway
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Monday, October 29, 2012
Sprained Ankle = Kitchen Adventures!
I love coming across a new recipe that is delicious and super easy to make. I bookmarked this recipe for future use and it was perfect timing because I had a massive apple waiting to be eaten. Have I mentioned that I am slightly obsessed with the blog Oh She Glows? This is where I got the Baked Apples Stuffed with Date Pecan Oatmeal recipe from. It's one that I will use often for all meals: breakfast, snack, or dessert. I didn't have any pecans so I used sunflower seeds instead, and it came out tasting great. A scoop of vanilla ice cream and this dish is irresistable.
In other news, I signed up to play intramural basketball with some co-workers. I thought it would be a great way to have fun and be active. Unfortunately, it was just that, a thought; I heard a crunch and realized I rolled my ankle over my toes. This was in the first 10 minutes of the game too.
The result: My ankle disappeared under swollen tissue.
I am hopeful that it won't hinder me too long. I can already walk without too much of a limp, especially when I wrap the darn thing. Ibuprofen helps with the swelling and pain. Positive though and applying RICE should get me back in working order soon. To help pass the time, I am experimenting in the kitchen.
Sometimes I bake things that look delicious but don't taste great, and today was one of those days. I attempted black bean brownies. Looks can be deceiving. The brownies were ooey gooey to the eye, but bitter and pasty to the palate. I think I failed on this recipe because I cut out too much sugar. I like the idea of using beans instead of flour, and it did produce a moist brownie. It lacked sweetness and that 'melt in your mouth' sensation. I will definitely try it again, altering the recipe, but overall this trial was a failure.
On the bright side, I was successful in making a huge pot of vegetarian chili. I had a bag of lentils and half a can of black beans (leftover from the brownies) to use up and this seemed like a logical dish. I was happy something with the beans turned out. I was also able to get started on Halloween baking. Since I am working 10 hours on Halloween, I thought I'd make some delicious treats for everyone. Gluten-free cake balls were a success and looking rather festive. If I have some time tomorrow, I will attempt some more baking.
In other news, I signed up to play intramural basketball with some co-workers. I thought it would be a great way to have fun and be active. Unfortunately, it was just that, a thought; I heard a crunch and realized I rolled my ankle over my toes. This was in the first 10 minutes of the game too.
The result: My ankle disappeared under swollen tissue.
I am hopeful that it won't hinder me too long. I can already walk without too much of a limp, especially when I wrap the darn thing. Ibuprofen helps with the swelling and pain. Positive though and applying RICE should get me back in working order soon. To help pass the time, I am experimenting in the kitchen.
Sometimes I bake things that look delicious but don't taste great, and today was one of those days. I attempted black bean brownies. Looks can be deceiving. The brownies were ooey gooey to the eye, but bitter and pasty to the palate. I think I failed on this recipe because I cut out too much sugar. I like the idea of using beans instead of flour, and it did produce a moist brownie. It lacked sweetness and that 'melt in your mouth' sensation. I will definitely try it again, altering the recipe, but overall this trial was a failure.

Saturday, October 20, 2012
A Rainy Saturday = Pretzels & Muffins
I've been back in Fredericton for over a month now, and I think my busy schedule has finally caught up to me. I have been pretty tired lately and drained of energy. Thank goodness for great friends though; I hit up the market with Heather A. this morning, followed by an amazing brunch at the Kaempffer's. The rest of my day consisted of me locking myself in my apartment and not leaving (except to see Jen). I was able to catch up on laundry, and with inspiration from Sarah's previous meal, made delicious pretzels.
I am sometimes amazed by the incredible support system I have here. It's a relief to know that I am surrounded by people who are caring and genuine, especially while Alex is away. So, a big thank you to my friends and family :) You are the best!
To prep for the day of rock climbing I have scheduled for tomorrow, I made pumpkin quinoa muffins - nom nom. If I make it viral that I'm to go climbing, I feel more obligated to actually go. I am having a hard time mustering up enough motivation to leave my warm duvet. Unfortunately, I'm not feeling that great, which isn't helping my motivation levels. Here's to positive forward thinking and a little less complaining :)
I am sometimes amazed by the incredible support system I have here. It's a relief to know that I am surrounded by people who are caring and genuine, especially while Alex is away. So, a big thank you to my friends and family :) You are the best!
Pumpkin Quinoa Muffins |
I heart cycling but my behind does not!
Last weekend, I spent two full days in the spinning studio working toward obtaining my Indoor Cycling Certification through C.O.R.E Cycling. I recently started cycling outdoors and I love it. I enjoy it a lot more than running (not that I any good at it). Taking the steps to become an instructor seems like a great way to stay active, push myself and learn. Plus, certifications always look good on a CV :)
Before we set foot in the classroom we were to read the manual and watch drill videos. The manual was an easy read and just made sense. The videos were short and sweet, which made working through the material less daunting.
Day 1 - We were in the classroom for 1.5 hours and in the spinning studio from 10:00-18:30. Most of that time, minus 30 minutes, was on the bike. We went through bike setup, drills, cuing, prohibited moves and so much more. I am not an avid cyclist and my tush was hurting! I haven't built the tolerance to the saddle just yet. I got home and had to put together a 20 minute class for the next day. This was the practical portion of the certification. There were nine participants in total, but only five of us were to prepare a class. The other four are already instructors and were take this course for extended learning. I gave up around midnight because I knew I had a long day ahead. Who would have thought that a 20 minute class would consume so much of my time.
Day 2 - The morning started off with a 30-40 minute class that took us over some nasty hills. We were given the morning to prepare our rides. My music choice screamed hills and for some reason, I thought it was a good idea to 'roll' with it (sometimes I surprise myself, haha).
Pumpkin Spiced Energy Balls (Gluten & Dairy-free) |
I was nervous, tired and did I mention, nervous? I love being around people but coaching in front of a group is not a familiar place for me to be. I was the last to go and of course, I chose to do hills. To my surprise, I found some inner energy and hammered out a solid 20 minutes. The group was awesome and participated the whole time. I was a sweaty mess and didn't care.
I submitted my written exam and just found out that I aced it - 70/70! The next step is to put myself out there and start teaching. Hopefully my employers have a little wiggle room and can find space for me to get some experience.
My 20 minute playlist:
Strip me- Natasha Bedingfield
Jungle Drums - Emiliana Torrini
List of Demands (Reparations) - Saul Williams
Somebody that I used to know - Gotye Tiesto remix
Dead Disco - Metric
This one will be added to the warm up:
Young Blood - The Naked and Famous (Tiesto & Hardwell Remix)
Now I need to work on putting together a full 40-50 minute ride. If you have any song suggestions, send them my way; I am always looking for new and unique stuff :)
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Let's Eat!

Sometimes I am successful in the kitchen and sometimes I fail miserably, but I enjoy experimenting with the ingredients that fuel our bodies. This page will be dedicated to my adventures in the kitchen. I don't think I will post recipes and step-by-step instructions. It will be mainly pictures and my own observations/thoughts on the meals I am attempting to create. If you have any questions, just send me an e-mail or leave a comment :)
Baking with Avocados
I have a bag of avocados sitting on my counter, ready to be consumed. Guacamole? Chocolate pudding? Salad? Nah, it wasn't doing it for me. I wanted COOKIES!
If you Google 'baking with avocados' the results are endless. Sometimes people shy away from these wonderful fruits because of their caloric density and relatively high fat content. The fat content of avocados is unique in that over half the fat in an avocado is in the form of oleic acid (good stuff), which is similar to composition of olive oil. Don't be afraid of this nutrient dense food; avocados are great for your eyes, satiety and cholesterol. Plus, they're delicious!
Apparently avocados can be substituted for butter. That makes sense; they're high in fat and when blended, has the consistency of butter (kind of).
If you Google 'baking with avocados' the results are endless. Sometimes people shy away from these wonderful fruits because of their caloric density and relatively high fat content. The fat content of avocados is unique in that over half the fat in an avocado is in the form of oleic acid (good stuff), which is similar to composition of olive oil. Don't be afraid of this nutrient dense food; avocados are great for your eyes, satiety and cholesterol. Plus, they're delicious!
Apparently avocados can be substituted for butter. That makes sense; they're high in fat and when blended, has the consistency of butter (kind of).
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Protein Pancakes
My favorite meal of the day is breakfast and I am always looking for variety in the mornings. Traditional pancakes don't have much nutritional value but are oh so tasty. after several attempts, I managed to amalgamate a few recipes to come up with nutritious and tasty pancakes.
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Protein Pancakes and Raspberry Topping |
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Summer 2012: Never a dull moment
This summer was filled with hellos, goodbyes, travel, excitement, nervousness, moving, tears, and a whole slew of other events/emotions. I apologize in advance for the lengthy post!
My studies at BLCU came to an end and I had to prepare to say goodbye to some great people. I studied with people from all over the world and made friendships that I hope can withstand distance and inconsistent communication. Final exams came and went and I found myself frantically packing my apartment. I purged most of my clothes and fit my belongings into two suitcases. I'm impressed I managed to stay within the weight restrictions. ![]() |
I will miss these crazy ladies! |
Saturday, September 29, 2012
My Last Week in Beijing, in a Nutshell
**This post was written in July but I forgot to post it. Apparently blog maintenance takes more time and effort than I anticipated - my bad**
Wow, I can't believe it's already that time to say goodbye to Beijing and all it has to offer. Living abroad is very different than being a tourist abroad. As my last few days in Beijing creeped up on me; I realized I didn't do all those wonderful touristy things one should. Sure, I went to the Forbidden City, Tiananmen Square, and Temple of Heaven during my time here but I've been slacking. So, Jules and I put our heads together and planned out a week of tourism in Beijing. This post is a recap of my last week in Beijing.
National Museum
Our original plan was to go to the Eunuch Museum, but due to the rain we were forced to choose a more suitable venue. The Eunuch museum has outdoor displays and statues, and we didn't want our experience to be ruined by the rain. So, we decided to eat at Capital M (delicious) and then make our way to the Nation Museum of China. Upside: this museum is free. Downside: Chinese history/culture is very rich and it was a little overwhelming trying to take it all in. At one point, we realized we were wandering around aimlessly staring at pots, vases, scrolls, etc. It was at this point that we decided to make our exit. I was satisfied with the visit, and now I can tick it off the list.
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Challenge Accepted: An Act of Kindness
Tonight, I decided to take a cab back to my apartment. It is usually a 35-ish kuai cab ride, depending on the traffic. I hopped in the cab, told him to take me to Qing Hua Dong Lu. Normally, I have to say it a few times (my tones are terrible) before they understand what I am saying. This time I didn't have to repeat myself. When learning a new language, moments like this are confidence boosters. The small achievements are what bring the most satisfaction, like yelling at the fuwuyuan (waiter) to bring you another pot of tea, with no hesitation. This was a milestone moment for me. I knew I had a thirty minute commute to look forward to, so I decided to continue reading one of the books I started: The Happiness Project. I had just finished reading about the author's Ninth Commandment, to "Lighten up", when I realized that the taxi driver, was in fact, taking me to Qing Hua University not Qing Hua Dong Lu. I did my best to tell him that he was taking to the wrong place, but he assured me that he knew where he was going. Five minutes later, I asked him to turn around and follow my directions. I was calm when trying to convey my concerns to him; I took it as an opportunity to practice my Chinese. More often than not, taxi drivers will try to take you the long way home to run the meter, but when he realized that he was taking me to the wrong place, he turned off the meter. We were another five minutes from my apartment and my cab fare was 46 kuai. I was slightly annoyed by his reluctance to listen to me, but having just read the "lighten up" section of my novel, I felt like this was a good opportunity to exercise this point.
I told the driver that it was no problem and we laughed about his misunderstanding. I was impressed that he turned the meter off well before we arrived at my apartment. I had every intention of giving him 50 kuai and leaving the change with him. It's not customary to tip in China, but I felt that he genuinely felt bad. I handed him the money, told him meiwenti (no problem) and started to exit the cab. He turned around and hollered at me, I was a little confused, and he gave me back 10 kaui. He wouldn't take my money and to my astonishment, he didn't even charge me the full 46 kuai fare. He payed 6 kuai out of his own pocket. Normally, taxi drivers are unfriendly but not this one. I wanted to leave him something for being a sincere person, and instead, he did me a service - an act of kindness.
I told the driver that it was no problem and we laughed about his misunderstanding. I was impressed that he turned the meter off well before we arrived at my apartment. I had every intention of giving him 50 kuai and leaving the change with him. It's not customary to tip in China, but I felt that he genuinely felt bad. I handed him the money, told him meiwenti (no problem) and started to exit the cab. He turned around and hollered at me, I was a little confused, and he gave me back 10 kaui. He wouldn't take my money and to my astonishment, he didn't even charge me the full 46 kuai fare. He payed 6 kuai out of his own pocket. Normally, taxi drivers are unfriendly but not this one. I wanted to leave him something for being a sincere person, and instead, he did me a service - an act of kindness.
Saturday, June 23, 2012
My Tick List
I make lists for just about everything. It helps me to organize my thoughts, and I love crossing things off any list. I often have those 'I'd love to do that someday' moments, and I either write it down on a random piece of paper and lose it, or forget to write it down. This is an attempt at an amalgamation of my previous lists. I have accomplished a few items and am currently working on a few things.
The purpose of writing this list, for me, is to dream big and be inspired. Each day brings something new and inspirational. I don't want to get bogged down with 'finishing' the things on this list, because I don't think this list will ever be 'finished'. I plan on continuously adding new ideas and adventures. Now, let's start ticking things off this never-ending list!
The purpose of writing this list, for me, is to dream big and be inspired. Each day brings something new and inspirational. I don't want to get bogged down with 'finishing' the things on this list, because I don't think this list will ever be 'finished'. I plan on continuously adding new ideas and adventures. Now, let's start ticking things off this never-ending list!
1. Travel from coast to coast on a train
2. Go skydiving
3. Learn to crochet
4. Run a half marathon
5. Run a half in under 2 hours
6. Visit my birth city, Yellowknife
7. Travel Northern Canada
8. Go dog sledding
9. Ride in a hot air balloon
10. Ride a camel
11. Live outside of Canada
12. Hitchhike
13. Learn a third language **currently working on it**
14. Learn to play the guitar
15. Travel New Zealand in a camper van
16. Own a Westfalia and travel NA
17. Live off the grid
18. Sleep in the canopy of the rainforest
19. Go to the airport and randomly select a destination and fly there
20. Travel to every continent
21. Go on an African safari
22. Make my own cheese
23. Live debt-free
24. Go to shooting range
25. Try skeet shooting
26. Sleep in an igloo
27. Go whitewater rafting
28. Grind a rail (snowboarding)
29. See a whale
30. Fly in a helicopter
31. Make my own soap
32. Be in a flashmob
33. Follow a vegan diet for a month
34. Take trapeze class
35. Go ice fishing
36. See The Grand Canyon
37. Grow old with someone I love
38. Improve my French
39. Witness a meteor shower
40. Travel to Iceland
41. Make fresh pasta
42. Do the Cabot Trail
43. Go to the Greek Islands
44. Hike in Yukon's Kluane National Park
45. Learn to do a kayak roll
46. Bike PEI
47. Go ice climbing
29. See a whale
30. Fly in a helicopter
31. Make my own soap
32. Be in a flashmob
33. Follow a vegan diet for a month
34. Take trapeze class
35. Go ice fishing
36. See The Grand Canyon
37. Grow old with someone I love
38. Improve my French
39. Witness a meteor shower
40. Travel to Iceland
41. Make fresh pasta
42. Do the Cabot Trail
43. Go to the Greek Islands
44. Hike in Yukon's Kluane National Park
45. Learn to do a kayak roll
46. Bike PEI
47. Go ice climbing
“Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets, so love the people who treat you right, forget about the ones who don't, and believe that everything happens for a reason. If you get a chance, take it. If it changes your life, let it. Nobody said life would be easy, they just promised it would be worth it.”
-Harvey MacKay
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Malaysia: Kuala Lumpur & Tioman Island
My recent travels (two weeks ago) took me to Malaysia to link up with my Aunt Ellen and her man Shayne, whom I like to refer to as my uncle. They have been traveling SE Aisa since March and I couldn't pass up the opportunity to meet up with them.
After exchanging several e-mails, we set a date and I booked my flight to Kuala Lumpur. Malaysian Airlines was great. The staff were super friendly and I had a row entirely to myself (return as well). Ellen met me at the airport, took me to their accommodations and then we set out for a bite to eat.
After exchanging several e-mails, we set a date and I booked my flight to Kuala Lumpur. Malaysian Airlines was great. The staff were super friendly and I had a row entirely to myself (return as well). Ellen met me at the airport, took me to their accommodations and then we set out for a bite to eat.
Monday, May 28, 2012
Hua Shan and Xi'an
Finally, I got out of Beijing to do some hiking. I met an awesome girl at Ultimate who was looking to hike Hua Shan (Mount Hua) as well. Hua Shan is one of five sacred Taoist mountains in China. Before leaving Canada, I had it in my mind that I would do a lot of hiking. Regrettably, that hasn't been the case, but I can't complain because I've been on some serious adventures since I've been here.
We left Beijing Tuesday evening on the overnight train and arrived in Xi'an at around 830am on Wednesday. From Xi'an, we hopped on a bus to take us to Hua Shan, which is a two hour commute. We began our ascent for the North peak at around noon and made it there in just under three hours. This was much faster than we had anticipated. There is a section of the trail called Golden Lock Pass. It is a literal name, as the path is surrounded by iron chains that are covered in golden locks and red ribbons. You can get your name, and anyone else's name, engraved on the lock and then attach it to the chains. Once it is locked, it allows for family and friends to pray for your health and safety.
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Inner Mongolia (你妈妈爸爸忙马?)
Question: Was 42 hours on a train, to and from Inner Mongolia, worth my time?
Answer: Without a doubt!
Last week, eight of us packed out bags and set out for a desert adventure in Inner Mongolia. We opted out of seeing the grasslands and hopped on a 21 hour train to Western Inner Mongolia. Flying would have been ideal but not easy on the wallet.
This was my first overnight train ride experience in China, and I survived, with few scars. Sleeping accommodations were fine. Like everywhere in China, there were a lot of people in a small space. There were six beds in one sleeper. We were all assigned to the top bed in different sleepers, which meant we didn't have a space where we could all fit. Thankfully, some very nice Chinese teachers allowed us to share their bottom bunk. They were playing card games the entire ride, and when the invitation to play with them was extended, I joined. If you're wondering what I learned, here it is: my Chinese is terrible; my Chinglish is also terrible; always have a fluent bilingual friend to explain card rules; I can now play euchre.
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Update - 2 months
Hi All,
Can you believe it, it's been two months since I left Canada for Beijing. I can't get over how fast time is passing me by. On one hand, it is great because that means I'm much closer to seeing Alex again (can't come soon enough). On the other hand, I've been here for two months and my Chinese is still terrible. But, I am definitely learning a lot and seeing amazing things.
I will start off by evaluating my goals from last month:
Can you believe it, it's been two months since I left Canada for Beijing. I can't get over how fast time is passing me by. On one hand, it is great because that means I'm much closer to seeing Alex again (can't come soon enough). On the other hand, I've been here for two months and my Chinese is still terrible. But, I am definitely learning a lot and seeing amazing things.
I will start off by evaluating my goals from last month:
Monday, April 16, 2012
Great Wall Class Trip
Once we arrived we were told to meet in the parking lot at 12:40, which gave us about just under three hours to wander around. Most of the students from my class were able to attend, plus one extra :)
We thought that all fees were included in our tuition fees, but little did we know that this only included transportation. We walked through the souvenir filled streets and eventually made our way to the gondola lift. Surprise, it's 60 kuai for a 30 second ride! I wanted to climb to the top anyways, so this was a great excuse for others to join me.
Qing Ming Holiday: Shenzhen, Hong Kong & Hainan
The Qing Ming festival, or Tomb-sweeping Day as it is commonly referred to as, is a holiday where you honor and remember ancestors by visiting their grave sites. The holiday is also a seasonal symbol that welcomes new life to country after the winter season. It encourages people to go outside and enjoy being in 'nature'. This year, the festival fell on April 4th, which meant that I didn't have classes April 2-4. Unfortunately, to make up for those days, the weekend was a working weekend; no days off for anyone, not even students. Ahh, only in China.
Because I value my weekends, I decided to take the Saturday afternoon, Sunday, and the following Thursday and Friday off from my classes. My personal vacation dates were March 31st -April 8th :) I left beijing in the late afternoon, after an hour delay, and landed in Shenzhen that Saturday night. The hotel was amazing, but not as incredible as seeing Emma Russell!!
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Silver Mountain: CHECK; Pagodas: FAIL!
Today's adventure took us to Silver Mountain & The Pagoda Forest, which is roughly 50km North of Beijing's city center. The Pagoda forest is situated on a mountain and consists of peaks, cliffs and boulders. During the winter season, the mountain is covered in a silver-like snow, hence the name.
Let me start off first by saying that we couldn't have chosen a better day for hiking - it was absolutely gorgeous. Myself and five others hired a driver to take us north of Changping District to this beautiful location. Earlier this month was an international Strawberry Symposium in Beijing. On the drive to the mountain, it felt like we were driving through the World of Strawberry Shortcake. Another interesting observation: Beijing has a residential area called 'Vancouver Forest'. This real estate area is designed to mimic the natural landscape of Vancouver. I must say, I did feel a touch of Canada while driving by and I had a moment of 'I wish I were back in Canada'.
Monday, March 19, 2012
Update - 1 month
Hi All,
I've been in Beijing for a solid month now and I thought I would update anyone who is interested in following along. I think monthly reflections on my time in China will give you an update and allow me to track my progression.
I am going onto week 4 of classes and I feel like I have learned a lot and nothing at all - how is this possible? I've learned that there is an enormous learning curve when it comes to this language. Everyday I am learning new vocabulary, which is great, but at the same time a bit overwhelming. I will be the first to admit that I haven't been the most studious since I have arrived. This realization that I won't just 'pick up' Chinese just hit me last week. So, in an actual attempt to learn Chinese, I will have to put forth more effort. No more falling asleep while studying and drooling on my pages. So, goal number one: study hanzi (characters) for 2 hours a day outside of class. I think Mary McKenna would be proud of my SMART goal. It is Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely. *Nerd alert for remembering this acronym!* After a plethora of classes on 'wellness' one would think that my goal setting skills would be well developed. Apparently I need to make it a goal to set more short-term goals.
I've been in Beijing for a solid month now and I thought I would update anyone who is interested in following along. I think monthly reflections on my time in China will give you an update and allow me to track my progression.

Ming Village
It is truly an ancient mountain village. The roads are built from funky stone and wind throughout. There are approximately 500 rooms in the village and it is known for its local honey.
As we wandered about, we stumbled upon a 'honey for sale' sign. This kind old man gave us a sample of his honey -delicious! We bought 4 containers, I think, of this sweet treat. He said that if the season is good, he can gather enough honey to fill the barrel in two weeks. This is incredible as the season is only 40 days long. I wonder what they do with the rest of their time...
After spending a few hours here, 8 of us piled back into the 7 seater van. On our way back to the city we were stopped at some sort of check point. The driver said that if the van wasn't full of foreigners, resident permits, registration, etc., would have been required. Being an expat in China definitely does have its perks in circumstances like this.
The 2 hour drive back to Beijing was pretty uneventful. I have a hard time sleeping in vehicles, planes, etc. so I stayed awake while the others slept, with exception of one.
Hiring a driver was definitely the best way to travel. In comparison to tours, we paid one third of the price. I recommend making sure that you have someone who can speak Chinese though. Thank goodness for Richard!
Friday, March 9, 2012
The Temple of Heaven
Round temples and altars stand on square bases. The reason for this is because Heaven was considered round and Earth square, thus 'Temple of Heaven'. The whole park is a semi-circle sitting beside a square.
Following the main path will lead you to The Round Altar, which consists of three marble tiers that represent Man, Earth and (at the summit) Heaven. The Throne of Heaven used to sit at the center of the top terrace, which was considered to be the middle of the Middle Kingdom.
Standing on the top terrace of the Round Altar |
I entered the park at the North Gate and made my way through this large park. There were people dancing, running, walking, practicing kung fu and t'ai chi all over. The park is beautiful and tranquil with endless rows of trees and paths to wander on. I am told that the best time to visit the Temple of Heaven is early in the morning where you can witness people
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
The Summer Palace
I have been in Beijing for two weeks now and I haven't visited the tourist spots yet. I know I have several months to see everything here, but I am hoping to avoid the massive crowds by seeing the sights during the low season. The Summer Palace is only two subway transfers from the nearest station so I thought that would be a great place to start.
I will give you a little background information on the Summer Palace, also known as Yiheyuan. Empress Dowager Cixi (Emperor Xianfeng's concubine) ruled China in place of her son after Emperor Xianfeng died in 1861. Yiheyuan was considered Cixi's pleasure ground. She rebuilt palaces after they were destroyed by foreign troops. When her son died, she installed her nephew as Emperor and imprisoned him to retain her authority.
I will give you a little background information on the Summer Palace, also known as Yiheyuan. Empress Dowager Cixi (Emperor Xianfeng's concubine) ruled China in place of her son after Emperor Xianfeng died in 1861. Yiheyuan was considered Cixi's pleasure ground. She rebuilt palaces after they were destroyed by foreign troops. When her son died, she installed her nephew as Emperor and imprisoned him to retain her authority.
Monday, March 5, 2012
No happy endings at this massage
After that day of hiking, I thought it would be a great idea to get a nice foot massage. I was jokingly advised to exercising caution when choosing the right massage parlor because I might get more than I bargained for. We chose the first massage parlor that we saw and requested a foot massage. Once in, we were escorted to a private room where we spent the next hour and half. The massage started out with a lovely foot soak followed by a shoulder/back massage. I wasn't anticipating to have my shoulders and back tended to, so this was a nice surprise.

The foot massage was just what I needed. I was frightened though when I saw flames at the foot of my chair. I didn't realize that I was going to experience traditional Chinese cupping. It was an odd sensation and I was surprised that my feet didn't catch on fire! I was told that cupping is meant to increase blood circulation. I am not sure if I reaped the benefits of this technique, but it certainly didn't harm me. To finish off the massage, the therapist pulled out hammer-like tools and started pounding away at my legs. I think this part would have been more enjoyable if my calves weren't so sore from the hike.
The foot massage was just what I needed. I was frightened though when I saw flames at the foot of my chair. I didn't realize that I was going to experience traditional Chinese cupping. It was an odd sensation and I was surprised that my feet didn't catch on fire! I was told that cupping is meant to increase blood circulation. I am not sure if I reaped the benefits of this technique, but it certainly didn't harm me. To finish off the massage, the therapist pulled out hammer-like tools and started pounding away at my legs. I think this part would have been more enjoyable if my calves weren't so sore from the hike.
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Switchback Great Wall Hike
Last week I booked a hiking trip to a part of the Great Wall through Beijing Hikers ( I am finally starting to feel a bit better which was great news to me because I didn't want to cancel the hike. We departed at 8:00am and traveled 2 hours North-West of Beijing to a section of the Great Wall called Switchback. This section was constructed near the end of the Ming Dynasty.
Our guides were knowledgable and fun. One of them wore a t-shirt for the entire hike, which is ridiculous because it was cold and snowing. He said he has been taking cold showers for 18 years and rarely gets cold! I managed to lose my Buff on the commute to the pick-up point. This doesn't surprise me because I have a tendency to misplace/lose a lot of things. This seniors moment was unfortunate because I didn't take an extra hat with me. Thankfully my hood provided me with enough protection. Maybe I should consider taking cold showers from now on so I don't end up in these predicaments..
Our guides were knowledgable and fun. One of them wore a t-shirt for the entire hike, which is ridiculous because it was cold and snowing. He said he has been taking cold showers for 18 years and rarely gets cold! I managed to lose my Buff on the commute to the pick-up point. This doesn't surprise me because I have a tendency to misplace/lose a lot of things. This seniors moment was unfortunate because I didn't take an extra hat with me. Thankfully my hood provided me with enough protection. Maybe I should consider taking cold showers from now on so I don't end up in these predicaments..
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Is that fog? Nope, it's SMOG!
I felt that it was necessary to dedicate an entire post to my inability to adjust to the air quality. I knew that the level of pollution was significantly higher here than anywhere else in the world, but I didn't realize I would adjust so poorly. I suppose that is what some would call naive, but I like to call it wishful thinking. Whatever you want to call it, I am not benefiting from my optimism.
I don't get sick very often. I have been in Beijing for 11 days and I have been sick for nearly half of those days. I contribute it to the nasty particles polluting my lungs. In an attempt to fight this chest cold, I have resorted to Chinese medicine and some good o'le Vitamin C.
I don't get sick very often. I have been in Beijing for 11 days and I have been sick for nearly half of those days. I contribute it to the nasty particles polluting my lungs. In an attempt to fight this chest cold, I have resorted to Chinese medicine and some good o'le Vitamin C.
In hopes of ridding myself of this cold I am trying some Chinese medicine. |
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Life as a student at BLCU
Beijing Language and Culture University (BLCU)
For those of you who don't know, I am studying Mandarin at BLCU in Beijing for one semester (20 week program). My studies started late February and run until early July. I am a very beginner class and with students from 15 other countries. In a class of 20, you become very familiar with your fellow classmates whether you like it or not. There doesn't appear to be any rhyme or reason as to why others are studying Chinese. Some are in the same situation as me; they have graduated from post-secondary studies and are in between phases of their lives. Others are learning Chinese because they are interested in studying or working in China down the road, and some of my classmates thought it would be a great adventure to spend 6 months abroad. Whatever their reason for being here, I am glad others are joining me on this quest for learning the 'hardest' language in the world.
Let's try Chinese food (?)!
If you know me then you know that I enjoy cooking, baking and experimenting in the kitchen. Because it is so cheap to eat out, I haven't been cooking. To be honest, I don't think I will do much cooking for myself while I am here but I do hope to learn how to prepare an authentic Chinese dish at some point.
While browsing around the supermarket, I stumbled upon packaged chicken feet. I figure that while in China I should do as the Chinese do, so I bought them. I also bought dragon fruit and what appears to be some sort of Asian candy.
Since I am not able to experiment in the kitchen, I have decided to try everything that is put in front of me - yikes! This could end very badly but so far, I have had more success than failure. I've managed to try massive dumplings, deep fried everything, duck legs, pigeon, and many other dishes that I can't identify. I have learned that it is better to not ask and just enjoy. I tried duck feet for the first time last week. The texture was not overly pleasant. When cooked, the webbing becomes slimy and chewy, and the cartilage is tough. In addition to the unpleasant texture, the feet were tossed with wasabi. I wasn't particularly fond of this dish but on the bright side, it did open up my nasal passage.
While browsing around the supermarket, I stumbled upon packaged chicken feet. I figure that while in China I should do as the Chinese do, so I bought them. I also bought dragon fruit and what appears to be some sort of Asian candy.
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Domestic Duties
I never thought that I would blog about doing laundry, but I wanted to give you an idea of my daily living experiences here in China. I am fortunate to have a washing machine in my apartment, but unfortunately, I have no clue how to operate it.
I brought minimal clothing with me in hopes of doing a little shopping. After a week, I was in desperate need to doing some laundry.
It doesn't look too scary... from afar.
After I realized there was no English translation, I resorted to using my phone to translate the characters. Sadly, I can't draw to save my life and the only character I could draw accurately enough to find a meaning for was 'small', which I concluded meant the size of the load.
I brought minimal clothing with me in hopes of doing a little shopping. After a week, I was in desperate need to doing some laundry.
It doesn't look too scary... from afar.
After I realized there was no English translation, I resorted to using my phone to translate the characters. Sadly, I can't draw to save my life and the only character I could draw accurately enough to find a meaning for was 'small', which I concluded meant the size of the load.
Monday, February 27, 2012
Ni Hao from Beijing!
Arriving & Settling In
I MADE IT! After 24 hours of travel, I landed in Beijing! I had 2 hours of delays and no lost luggage, which is pretty amazing. I think I handled my jet leg reasonably well. At first I was getting up at ridiculous hours (5am) but I am now on a schedule and I am settling into a routine.
My accommodations were arranged before leaving Canada, so that alleviated a lot of stress. I landed, dropped my things off at my apartment, ate some delicious huǒ guō (hot pot) and slept for 10 hours!
I have a pretty good setup. I am a 15 minute walk from the university, which is super handy. Some of my classmates travel 2 hours to get to class (we start at 8am).
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